Well big news out of Lansing today. Manufacturing is joining the construction industry and is allowed to re-open next Monday the 11th. Frankly this is a week earlier than many expected. Its good news though, because we need to start producing product NOW.
This means that all Comstock Park and Muskegon shop and layout employees get to begin work at 6am. (7am in Muskegon) Monday the 11th.
I want to be clear. Your safety from Covid-19 is our top priority! Our intention is to have you safer at work, by far, than walking through the grocery store. To that end, we will be operating under the attached protocols to ensure employee risk exposure to be at an absolute minimum. (Yes, I see the typo’s) Please read through this outline before Monday. These procedures are straight forward and easily understood. We will follow them closely and operate under these practices indefinitely.
At this point, office, and administration roles are still under the stay at home directive barring essential duties. I’m expecting that to lift in the near future.
This does mean that unemployment concludes tomorrow for those returning to work.
Remember, masks, gloves and sanitizer will be provided. However you are welcome to bring you own if you wish.
I look forward to see everyone and getting back to being leader and best!
Have a good night.
Stay at home order update
May 1, 2020
12:00 pm
Hello Everyone,
Hope your well. It’s going to be a beautiful day today! Here is the latest update.
First regarding Great Lakes. The construction Industry can resume business activities starting May 7th assuming all appropriate person protection measures in place. We are part of the construction industry, so Great Lakes Granite will begin full operations on Monday May 11th. Some of you will be getting a call asking to start on Saturday May 9th at 6:00 am
So…. Great Lakes Granite unless you get a call, please assume you are staring on the 11th at 5:00am for shop and 6:00 for installation team. Welcome back!
Although the governor has extended the “State of Emergency” until May 28th as of last night. That is not the same thing as the stay at home order. The stay at home order expires on Friday May 15.
Monument production and showroom hours (possible limited access), are currently scheduled to resume Monday May 18. Again, date cutting and delivery of completed orders are resuming next Monday.
Indiana’s showroom will open next Monday the 4th.
So…For the monument group in Michigan. Production, office and sales will maintain the current status until resuming activity on the 18th. If there is a change from Lansing, we will let you know.
Thanks for your attention.
Stay at home order update
April 29, 2020
Hello Team,
Here is the latest I know. Since there is talk of the economy starting to re-open, new information is coming out of Lansing more rapidly than in weeks prior. Therefore, my updates may also be coming more frequently.
Last Friday the Governor announced the allowance of delivery of product or curb-side service to begin. Obviously curb side service is not realistic. However, starting Monday May 4th we will begin setting the 400 or so monuments in cemeteries that are already produced. Cemetery engraving will also begin on May 4th. Some in Ann Arbor area has begun on Monday already.
The Warsaw Indiana showroom is allowed to open Monday May 4th.
As of now, the manufacturers in Michigan are under the statewide shut-down order until May 15th. That includes us.
The Governor has stated that certain industries, work environments, and geographic areas based on testing and hospitalization rates may begin before that time. So, we are watching daily to see if either or both Great Lakes or Patten Monument can begin operation before that date.
As soon as any change to our current status is known, I will keep you updated.
Thank you,
Stay at home order update – 4.21.20
Good evening everyone,
I just wanted to reach out to touch base on things. Right now we are watching and waiting for the Governor to provide direction on when and how companies in Michigan will be allowed to start up. Last I was told, was the Governor was supposed to speak on Wednesday and Friday this week. If this is the case, and direction is provided, I hope to offer more details by Tuesday of next week regarding our return.
When we do start up, we will operate three ways; smart, proactively, and safe. Currently the company has hand sanitizer, washable masks, thermometers, and disposable gloves, either in our possession, or being shipped. Gloves and masks will be sent to all locations late this week. We have also been putting together best practices for all of us to follow when we return. These will be shared when complete next week also.
Until then, thanks for staying safe, and consider refreshing yourself on how to turn on you alarm clock. 😊
Stay at home order update – 4.9.20
Today Governor Whitmer’s stay at home order has been extended, plan on reporting back to work May 1st.
A Message from Andy 4.9.20
Good evening everyone,
Although you probably already know, today the Governor has extended the stay-in-place order through Thursday April 30th. So we as a company will continue to comply with that directive. I hope, and will be optimistic, that our State will be able to return to work on Friday May 1st with social distancing rules in place. If that is the case, we will return under those circumstances, and create the best possible sanitary workplace for as long as necessary.
Happily, thanks to the hard work by Rob, and the prompt action of Choice One Bank (shameless plug), the company has already received it Paycheck Protection Loan from the Small Business Administration. So now its just a matter of waiting to ramp up.
Until then keep safe and stay sane. 😊
A Message from Andy 4.8.20
Hello everyone,
I came across this article on Mlive today. You may of seen it already. But I wanted to share because it is rich good answers to good questions regarding unemployment.
Patten will continue to pay your insurance premiums on your behalf during this situation. upon resumption of work you will need to set up a repayment schedule with Rob.
Families First Coronavirus Response Act
If you have questions about the Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Questions and Answers
Question #23 is most applicable to Patten, the satellite locations, and GLGW. Full Guide Here
#23 If my employer closed my worksite before April 1, 2020 (the effective date of the FFCRA), can I still get paid sick leave or expanded family and medical leave?
No. If, prior to the FFCRA’s effective date, your employer sent you home and stops paying you because it does not have work for you to do, you will not get paid sick leave or expanded family and medical leave but you may be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits. This is true whether your employer closes your worksite for lack of business or because it is required to close pursuant to a Federal, State, or local directive. You should contact your State workforce agency or State unemployment insurance office for specific questions about your eligibility.
Stimulus Bill info
This is how much money you will get from stimulus bill